My Family
I live 1-1/2 miles away from my Dad and Mom, and I have one sister and
three brothers. My sister lives 200 miles away, one brother lives 200
miles away and my other two brothers each live about 400 miles away.
My favorite times are holidays when everyone is here together.
We all spend a week together in the summer at the Outer Banks of
North Carolina. We all have children, and they all get along very well.
Here are some pictures at the beach.
I have been married for 17 years (as of New Year's Eve, 2000) to a
wonderful man. Together we have 3 children. The oldest is a boy who is
16 years old. The next is a boy who is 11 years old. The youngest is a
girl who is 9 years old.
for a larger view (like you really need it LOL) click on the picture. Use your browsers back button to return to this page.
My Children
My first born child is now 16 years old (and I can harldy believe it!)
He is a good kid (for a teenager). He is a Boy Scout and really enjoys
playing on the internet. He started hunting a couple of years ago with my husband.
It is something he has been waiting to do for a very long time, but being
the over-protective type that I am, it was very hard for me to let go.
They have been hunting for deer with bows and arrows as well as guns, and they have been
Turkey and small game hunting.
My second son is 11(soon to be 12), but seems more like he's been around a lot longer.
He is a sweetheart of a child, but very active and mischievous. This one
was not very interested in the scouting program until he was old enough for Boy Scouts (as opposed to the Cubs). He is very much into
sports. He is always out with his friends playing football, hockey, basketball....
or any other game he can get started. He has been a challenge to raise.
My youngest is a sweet little girl of 9 years. She is a Girl Scout and
I am the leader. She loves school and she
does very well there. She is a bit shy at first, but once she gets to
know someone, it is hard to keep her quiet. She is very much into the
girlie things with dolls and dress-up, but at the same time, she is always
in the middle of the hockey or football games with her brothers. Don't
mess with this one, or you'll have her big brothers to deal with !!
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