All About Robbin

This is my little girl. She is nine years old and in the third grade. She is a wonderful person with a great personality and an incredible imagination. Together we are in Girl Scouts. She is a Brownie and I am the troop leader. We love spending "girl time" together. Sometimes we go to the mall and 'do lunch' and window shop. She is girl through and through... but don't let that fool you. She can keep up with the boys as well as the rest of them! She is my 3rd child, and my last.


Brian is Robbin's most favorite doll. He is just like a member of the family. She has had this exact type of doll since her first Christmas. Brian is the 4th doll, but all have been identical and she is very attached to him.

Some of her favorite places on the web.

Nick Jr.
PBS Kids

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