My In-laws... His side of the family

What can I say about my In-laws. They are wonderful people and I love them all. My husband has two sisters living near us, one sister in Texas, and the rest are in Arkansas. We get together with his two sisters pretty regularly. Mostly for birthday celebrations, and other times in the summer. We always get together during the holidays. Both of his sisters are married with children.

We visit Arkansas every summer, usually at the end of August. It is a very hot time to be headed in that direction, but we use the Labor Day weekend so we have an extra day without Steve taking an extra vacation day. It is a 2-day car trip, so any extra time we can get is well worth it. The kids love to visit there. Things are so different from what they are used to here in Pennsylvania. This is just about the only time they get to see their grandparents on his side, so it is very important to all of us that we make this trip. Not to mention the fact that Steve is very close to his family, and being so far away is sometimes difficult for him. Even after all of these years, I do believe he still gets a little homesick.

Arkansas is a beautiful state... I'm listing some web sites of this wonderful place

Arkansas USA
Arkansas State Parks
Ozark Mountain Region


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I cannot remember where I got the graphics for this page. If you recogonize it, please let me know in my guest book. I've been searching the web, and will continue to do so, until I find where I got these graphics so I can give credit where credit is due. Someone did a lovely job with it, and I would like to add the appropriate link.