This is my side of the family

This is my side of the family, another page will have "his" side of the family. Below is my mom and dad. Further down is a picture of my sister and brothers and myself. I don't want to slow things down by adding ALOT of pictures, so for right now, I'll leave it like this.... but of course I could change my mind about that in the future. You can also see all of the pictures by going to my photo album.

My mom wasn't too happy when I told her I put her picture on the net.... Sorry mom!! That's what happens when you have a daughter with a new scanner and she is so proud of her parents she just wants to share with the rest of the net!!

I grew up in a nice little town in Southeastern Pennsylvania with my sister and three brothers. The Elementary school and High School I attended were small and everyone knew everyone. My parents went to the same school, and we even had some of the same teachers !! I would have liked to raise my family in that town, but at the time when we were house hunting, there was nothing available in our price range. We live just one and a half miles away from my parents. My sister and my brothers have since moved out of state. I have a great relationship with my mom and dad. It's not hard, because they are the most wonderful people in the world.


This is my three brothers, my sister and myself. We all, with our parents spend a week together at the beach in North Carolina. It is a wonderful time. We are very close and this is something we all enjoy. By the end of the week, I think we all have had enough of the "togetherness" thing.... but we always do it again the next year and come home with fond memories.

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